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Summary of Question:Split Hair
Date Posted:Thursday, 5/23/2002 9:45 AM MDT

Respected Sir,

Wahe Guru ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
I write to u with a concern abt my sister who is losing her hair drastically because of split hair. We belong to a puran sikh family and have no history or anyone cutting their hair for fashion, but in the case of my sister she is just losing her hair. At one time she had hair till her waist which has now reached her neck, we tried all possible methods so that there was no need to cut the hair and the doctor says if we still remain adamant she will soon have a boycut finish and later could have jus no hair. At the moment the condition of her hair is so fine that a little jerk breaks it
kindly tell me wat to do

I am not in a position to give medical advice, however, you may want to seek a second opinion. Other Medical styles would not necessarily suggest cutting the hair to stimulate growth. Chinese medicine (like accupuncture) may suggest an imballance in the body's energetic forces (chi)as the cause and may offer some herbal solutions. Ayurveda may suggest too much vatta (air) in the constitution and suggest herbal, dietary, lifestyle solutions as well as some oil or other thing to apply to the hair.
If you are having a disagreement with your doctor, there are many other forms of medicine available to try.

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