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Summary of Question:Women's Seva At The Golden Temple
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 2/09/2004 8:19 AM MST

Sat Sri Akal. I want to know your opinon if women should be the garanthi's or Bhaisahiba of Golden Temple or of any gurudwara sahib.

Sat Siri Akaal. Of course they should be!!!!!! If you study the 10 Gurus' lives you will see that each and every Guru insisted that women be honored as equals in Guru's eyes. Each Guru (with the possible exception of Guru Harkrishan, whose time here was so short) took very specific steps to show his respect for women and show sangat that women are capable of knowing God as men are. Who is any man to decide Guru is wrong where women are concerned? The idea that women should NOT be granthis or Bhai Sahibas is not Sikh and does not accord with teachings of SGGS.
Guru ang sang,

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