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Summary of Question:Gathering Of The Holy?
Date Posted:Tuesday, 11/05/2002 6:11 AM MST

hi, just a short question i would like to ask. I hear so many people that tell us to start Sikhi societies at universiry and stuff but i had an idea which is also covered within Anand Sahib. I was thinking of just starting a religious Society for all religions? In anand sahib it says saying somthing on the lines of " Come people let us narrate and talk about God" Would it be a bad idea to do this as i undertand the conflict with different religions but once we recieve naam then religion matter no more. Also we all worship the same god so we are all the same religion i feel. Im very close to takign amrit also so i hold very firmly to my beliefs as a sikh also. So basically all im aking as iv never seen this done before but to have a society full of all different religions that explain about their religion and their differences yet we worship God, as i feel this would show great example of how true followers of Allah, waheguru, Om ect are all the same!!! THANKS

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Interfaith religious groups are excellent, it is certainly time for people to respect and support other paths. I appreciate your intention. However, be aware that not all religions accept the beliefs of others! You say we all worship one God, but remember, Christians worship a human form of God, which Sikhs do not. Hindus worship many forms of God. Yes, we know ultimately Ek Ong Kar -- but not everyone understands that. An other thing to remember is that as Sikhs we don't try to convert anyone, whereas in other religions, they vigorously proslytize. Blessings, best wishes, and success in your efforts to bring people of faith together! SP

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