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Summary of Question:Jap Ji Sahib-Recite Without Nitnaym?
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Sunday, 8/04/2002 10:44 AM MDT

i have two questions to ask today.

1. can u do the jap ji sahib paat without reading out of the nitnem?? wat if u have it memorized do u still have to read out of nitnem

2. can u do jap ji sahib puri by puri ex: today i do the first puri of jap ji sahib tomarow i do the secondon puri of jap ji sahib.

nanak naam chardi kala tere bhane sharbat ka bhala!

Sat Siri AKaal.
1. Many many Sikhs recite Japji without using Nitnaym. This is OK. But using Nitnaym is BETTER, since it helps focus the mind.
2. Of course you can recite a pauri a day, but this is cheating. Say the whole thing, daily. It doesn't take long. If you are going to do a single pauri, then recite it 11 times. Elsewhere on Sikhnet /Youth Forum website is a description of what each pauri of Japji Sahib can do for you. Search it out.
Guru rakha,

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Jap Ji Sahib-Recite Without Nitnaym? (08/04/2002)
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