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Summary of Question:Is It Too Late For Me To Pursue A Dream.
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 3/11/2004 1:56 PM MST

Hi.. Ok I am wondering if I'm being too selfish and if I'm not living in reality. I've always wanted to be a doctor. Well, I am now 30 years old and the desire is there still despite myself working in a health related field. So I was thinking of applying to some foreign medical college as getting into one in the USA just won't happen for me, I'm not that bright. But I've seen so many "average" students from high school go off to foriegn schools and fullfil their dreams as becoming doctors, such options were'nt really so available and I was scared when I was younger. So the thing is, my parents are really into marriage this year for me. I accept that. But I was thinking if somehow I can convince the guy I marry one day that I want to do this and he's ok, then should I do it? Or is it really too selfish now, because I have to think of practical things, such as having a family. Or should I just let this dream of mine just be a dream and just forget it cuz it might be too late for me cuz I'm old now. ??


There is no harm in checking into the possibility of getting into a foreign medical school. Make some phone calls or email inquiries. This will give you an idea about what your chances are. Once you have more facts, you can make a more informed decision. Good Luck. GTKK

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Is It Too Late For Me To Pursue A Dream. (03/11/2004)
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