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Summary of Question:Caste? Why Bother?
Date Posted:Friday, 5/30/2003 12:27 PM MDT

I have been looking through the Q/A's and feeling even more confused and frustrated then before. I was excited to find a forum where some very sensitive questions could be addressed....however, I have failed to find anything truley helpful. Every response to a question about the caste system is answered with the a diplomatic response of " sikhs don't believe in this system and it should not be of concern". Ideally I want to accept this answer and live my life accordingly but our culture still participates with the rules of the "caste" system and it is very prevelent when arranging/finding a partner. If we are going to set up a forum for Q/A why not be brutely honest of the ways of our culture (distinguishing between culture and religion). I am currently seeking a partner but having a very hard time trying to meet the expectations of my family. To say caste doesn't matter is a farse when your family and community threatens to banish you for entering into a relationship with someone of another caste. I would love to believe it doesn't exist and I think the next generation will truely abolish it from our "culture". However, it is prevelent today, and why not educate people on what it was, what it was based on, what are parents think....etc....and help us to sort out what it means to us today.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I think you make a very good point. It is obvious, and we agree, unfortunately the caste system is a cultural reality, and not a religious or spiritual reality. Please do the research you suggest, and post that information to educate everyone! Whatever the historical background for this division among human beings, as you say, will definitely be abolished by the next generation who will no longer tolerate such outdated discrimination. Possibly with enough outcry from the present generation of young people, parents will have to listen. It takes courage and determination to change the prejudices that are deeply imbedded in a culture. Thank you for your comments. Perhaps there are others who have time to join you in researching this subject.

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