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Summary of Question:The Whole Conversion Issue
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 7/02/2004 12:50 PM MDT


i firstly would like to say, that with the comments i am writing i do not intend to critize anyone or sound rude

this whole issue of conversion, - basically after reading the responses on this site, some say if that lady son wants to convert then let him, and your answer was also similar

why r we syaing this for! we r sikhs, should be proud, and instead of sayingthings like, ' oh its up the the individual, its how they r happy' we should be trying to tackle the problem, not saying it okay-i think all gudwaras should be together in this and start educating the youth of sikhi, on what sikhi is all about- yes u may argue that places already do this, however it doesnt seem to be working.

i really do feel for the lady who said he son converted, she has evry right to be upset - i aint prejudice but i do beleive evry one should stick to their relgion and roots

Sat SIri Akaal. Yes, it is understandable for the mother who posted that query to be upset. Her son's conversion was not expected! That said, being BORN a Sikh doesn't make you a Sikh, and all the education and teaching in the world on Sikhi doesn't either. At some point everyone raised in a faith makes a conscious decision to keep to that path/faith, adopt another path, or do nothing. I did it, and I have seen it over and over. It's part of the SoulSelf's learning process, it's part of being a responsible adult. No one can be forced to believe or follow the path of their birth; for Sikhs to do so makes us as bad as the Mughals who set out to do us in. I agree that education is indeed an issue for many, but heart is different than mind, and if heart isn't in it, then mind won't be either. Guru ang sang,

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