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Summary of Question:Coping With Hockey Teams Loss
Date Posted:Tuesday, 4/20/2004 5:38 PM MDT

First of all, I want to assure you that my question is genuine. On April 20th the Vancouver Canucks lost their chances at the Stanley Cup by losing in the first series against the Calgary Flames. I have become very depressed over this. Depressed to the extant that I can't concentrate on my studies. Could you recommend a yogic exercise and/or Gurbani shabad which could help me out of this depression. I feel I had become too attached ( Moh) to my favourite hockey team. Would you say this type of Moh is harmful?

Thank You.

(REPLY) St Nam. Yes, obviously this kind of attachment is harmful. It's possible you feel some sort of loyalty to the hockey team, and therefore you feel obligated to feel bad because they lost! Yes, attachment to maya can cause this sort of twisted emotional response. If you sincerely want to feel happy, (and not feel guilty for being happpy!) then recite Anand Sahib -- and meditate on the meaning of the joy of finding the Guru! You have to be willing to give up your suffering. Then fill your mind with Gurbani. As they say, "Get over it!" Stop wasting your time and energy on a sport that has no permanent existence. You need to use common sense also. The world has not come to an end. Make the most of this lifetime and try to understand the purpose of life. (The purpose is NOT to have a winning hockey team.) blessings, SP

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