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Summary of Question:God Is Non Existent
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 2/11/2003 2:48 PM MST

Why always say GOD only knows what it does.

When you people donot have any answer you simply say GOD only knows.
I believe religion has done more harm to the world then anything alse has done.
Please donot bull shit and make fool of people on the name of religion.


(REPLY) Sat Nam.My dear Simer, I have to agree with your statement that rreligion has caused a lot of damage throughout history, but that is because people have become fanatics in some religions, and many have distorted the intention of the enlightened beings who tried to give them an understanding of reality. There are some things that we mortals do not yet understand, but we do believe that the One who created this creation knows what its all about, but apparently you don't think so. the way you have expressed yourself is quite rude, but you must be very angry and hurt because you don't have any faith. And I think that's because you are ignorant of the teachings of our Gurus. I am curious to know if you think that Guru Nanak and all the other Gurus were making fool of you? Have you read any of the Siri Gguru Granth Sahib and tried to understand it? what about just reading Japji, and getting a perspective on what life is all about, and why God DOES know everything? I am sorry for you, and I hope that God and Guru will bless you with some wisdom, and at least the desire to educate yourself. SP

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