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Summary of Question:Sexual Intercourse
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Saturday, 1/10/2004 6:37 PM MST


I am a young adult who is approaching the age in which to get married. I do not drink, smoke or eat meat. I wish to maybe take amrit one day, with Gods blessings.

I had a question that is difficult to ask an memebers of my family due to the punjab culture. Its regarding when a married couple are making love, having sex, etc. Now I know that a sikh is not suppose to remove any of the 5 Kakaars at any time..even when having a shower. But what about when you are having sex with ur spouse? The most obvious would be the kacheera, what would be the best or most appropiate thing to do here? The other kakaars which i was also thinking about are the kirpan and kanga ( maybe when/if the spouse has got their hair loose).

Thank you for your time. I think you are doing a wonderful job. keep up the good work!


I think as Sikhs we need to be practical in our modern world as well as devotional. I lap swim a few times a week. I don't wear my kirpan at that time. My son mountain bikes and kayaks. In both sports it is most important that he wears a helmit, which he cannot do if his thick long hair is up in a rishi knot. In those situations, he puts his hair in a braid. The life of a Sikh is about balance and common sense. Discuss these things with your husband. You will find the right way for you. Blessings. GTKK

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