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Summary of Question:Radhaswami Or Sikh?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 9/12/2002 10:50 AM MDT

A friend of mine who professes to be a Amritdhari Sikh has started worshipping the Radhaswami Babaji. He maintains it is essnetial to follow a living Guru to seek spritual fulfillment and does not believe that it conflicts with the tenth Guru's command of "Guru Manyo Granth." What is your opinion on this ?

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Guru Gobind Singh clearly declared that Sikhs would NEVER ever again worship any person. He gave us the Shabd Guru, our Siri Guru Granth Sahib as our living Guru forever. This is not a matter for opinion. It is historically a fact. May God and Guru bless your friend. I would imagine it will do you no good to argue with him, as he has chosen to believe something different. We each make our own karma -- and as Sikhs, we do not sit in judgement of others,we try to educate, inspire, and most of all to set an example of righteous living, as our Gurus taught. Pray for your friend, he is mistaken, and that is unfortunate. Of course we can listent to and learn from other human beings as teachers, but we NEVER, NEVER worship them! Blessings, SP

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Radhaswami Or Sikh? (09/12/2002)
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