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Summary of Question:Can I Go To The Christian Heaven?
Date Posted:Sunday, 12/02/2001 9:31 PM MST

i have a boyfriend who is christian...he is mad that we can't be together forever...because he is gonna go to a christian heaven...and i am not...i am thinking of turning into a christian but first i really want to know if theres a way i can be a sikh but end up in the christian heaven? I want to be buried in the ground too....but i want to be a sikh very badly cause thats what i have been al my life...fourteen years....but i just want tot know can i end up in the christian heaven? without turning into a christian?

thank you,
please email me too on my addres becasue i dont check this site much

Sat Siri Akaal. Frankly, no one HERE knows for certain if Christian heaven is 'separate' from any other kind of heaven. The Christian perspective does not include 'merger with the Lord" the way the Sikh perspective does. But Sikhs teach that ALL paths lead to the very same God, and that we all worship the same God in different ways. Personally, I think you can quite well end up in the 'Christian heaven' without being a Christian (if that's what you want), but I cannot prove it.

Don't become a Christian if you love being a Sikh!!!! It makes no sense. Tell your friend that Sikhs worship the same God as Christians, and suggest that you both concentrate on making this life you are in the very best it can be, and let God sort out the details after you both leave this earth plane.

Burning the body after it dies reminds us all and the one who inhabited it that the spirit is forever, only body dies. It also ensures that the spirit does not try to RETURN to the dead body. Practically speaking, there are other great reasons to cremate rather than bury: prevention of spread of disease and putting scarce land to better use are two of them.
Guru rakha,

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