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Summary of Question:A Good Sikh
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Wednesday, 1/28/2004 1:07 PM MST

hi, I just wanted you guys to clarify something for me. in one of the posts i read, there was long list of what a good sikh should and should not do. some way down the list was that you shouldn't 'waste' your time on going on external pilgrimages. I was really suprised to read this. did the person who posted it mean that it is a waste to go spirtual places like Hazoor Sahib and Harmander Sahib as i did last summer? i certainly didn't feel like i had wasted the 5 days it look to travel to and fro from Hazoor sahib and would most definately recommend all sikhs to at least go there and see the change you can feel in yourself from vistiting such holy, historical and deeply peaceful places of worship.

don't mean to offend anyone with my honest question, maybe i misunderstood the post.

god bless.

<<<<< REPLY >>>>>

Thank you for your very good question. Certainly clarification is in order with regard to yatras. The author of the post to which you refer got his information directly from Siri Guru Granth Sahib. The point that the Guru makes is that if one thinks that making pilgrimages brings liberation, one must understand that it is the elevation of one's own consciousness by connecting to the Shabd Guru that brings liberation and that pilgrimages alone will not do it. It is a common belief among many that by visiting a holy place one can be liberated, and so many people make pilgrimage after pilgrimage seeking enlightenment.

The Guru does not mean that one should NOT visit holy places, nor that the peace and blessing of such a visit is not wonderful and inspiring. The Guru means that getting hung up on making pilgrimages without meditation and connection to the Sabd Guru is a diversion.


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