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Summary of Question:Death Of My Father
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 5/10/2003 2:38 PM MDT

Sat Sri Akal ji

Hello, I just have a quick question. My parents were in the process of a divorce when my father had passed away. My father had done some terrible things to my mother when they were married. He began to drink and about everynight would beat my mother. THey would wake me everynight and I would witness these acts on a constant bases. When they seperated, my brother and I chose to stay with our father, as he treated us very well. My mother on the other hand moved away to Calgary with my younger brother. My father then decieded to go to India and get married. The day after he was married, he died from a heart attack. It has been 10 years since this all happened, and i am now 18. This is still bothering me. I was just wondering because of the bad things that my father had done throughout his life, what would have become of him after he passed?


Sat Nam. Guru tells us that Dharm Raj (king of death) will judge us after death. Most people, unless they have meditated on God's Name, and paid off their karmas are reborn to get another opportunity to learn how to be a human being in the highest sense of the word. As you know, we Sikhs chant AKAAL when someone dies, in order to help that soul return directly to Akal Purkh -- . someone once said that you can live your life either as an example or as a warning. I guess you can look at your father's life as a warning so that you do not follow his example!

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