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Summary of Question:I Do Paath Every Day, But My Life Is Still Hard
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Saturday, 9/28/2002 6:00 PM MDT

wahe guru ji ka khalsa

wahe guru ji ki fateh.
Sat shiri akaal.
I recite gurbani every day, usually kirtan sohila before bed. I am very down to earth, very simple living. always help people. But I am facing hardships, in my prayers i ask babaji to help me get thru them, and the next day its even tuffer for me. and my problems are making me an atheist. but i still put my full attention to gurbani. and ask for HIS forgivenes, if that Rab forgives our sins help we give into him. then why are there, still deaths, rapes, people suffering in the world, and why is not providing enough courage to get over my hard times. which have been on me for my lifetime.
thank u
Bhull chuk maf karni
Rab rakha

Sat Siri Akaal. Your faith is being tested, you are experiencing your karma, and you want results overnight. That's not how life or Guru works. Do your paath daily. Pray daily. CHANT THE NAAM daily and do so for extended periods. The Naam gives you sahej, that balance, as well as kirpa, the grace, to go through tough times with a smile. Guru tells us this over and over and over in Siri Guru Granth and it's in Japji: Amrit vaylaa such naa-o vadee-a-ee veechar. So create time and sacred space in your life, sit alone or with other devotees, and chant/sing the praise of God. Chant Waheguru over and over and do this at least 11 minutes at a time, more is best. And you will feel an inner peace and this will radiate around you and your life will change. I challenge you to try this for 40 days straight: paath and naam simran. Then see how things are. You either live your karma or you live your dharma. Simran and paath are dharma. The choice is yours. Guru ang sang,

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I Do Paath Every Day, But My Life Is Still Hard (09/28/2002)
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