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Summary of Question:Why Can't My Parents Stay Out Of My Life And Leave Me Alone
Date Posted:Thursday, 2/03/2005 10:30 PM MST

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Parents are responsible to guide their children. Unless and until a child becomes an adult, it is the job of parents to stay IN the child's life. Even after we're grown up, parents still care about what happens to us, and based on their experience and hopefully the wisdom they have gained in their lives, they want to protect and help the "child" -- even older ones (!) to avoid pain and suffering. One can learn from experience, or from a teacher, and parents are your first teachers. Almost all teenagers resent being told what to do, because they are trying to establish their own independent identity --- so, it's a struggle. Someday, when you have children of your own, you'll understand it. Meanwhile, be grateful someone cares enough about you to "interfere" in your life. We always have choices, and many times when we are young, the choices are for a short term gain, but lead to a long term loss -- and parents often can see what's coming down the line, and they want you spare you the painful results. SP

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Why Can't My Parents Stay Out Of My Life And Leave Me Alone (02/03/2005)
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