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Summary of Question:Amrit Holding Me Back?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 5/17/2003 3:07 PM MDT

Gur Fateh Ji

This is a great website and you guys are doing a truely amazing job with your replies and words of encouragement, help and inspiration.

However, i have a question to ask and need some advice if at all possible.

I love sport and have played ever since i was young. I have played at a very high level but took out two years to concentrate on getting into Veterinary Medicine. During these two years out i was lucky enough to have been given the gift of amrit.

Now i wish to resume sport and have been adviced by my coach to go for the international trials as i have been spotted by a few scouts who have said i should try out and i have a good chance of getting in. The only problem is that now i am amrit-dharee i cant shave and it is compulsory to wear a skirt in the sport. I have never shaved in my life due to being bought up in an amrit-dharee family andnever having the desire to do so. so i used to play with a skirt woithout shaving. Now however, my legs seem worse and much hairier, i cant play for my country with legs like that! it therefore seems the only thing holding me back is amrit...i know this is such an awful thing to say...but sometimes this is how it feels.

I dont want to break the rules of sikhism. playing for my country would be such an honour, but being at one with god is a far higher honour, but i dont think it is right that i have to sacrifice one for the other. I feel i could regret this decision for the rest of my life...not playing the sport that is.

I really dont know what to i doing the right thing by rejecting the trials and probably thus the game and keeping on the path of sikhism?

im so sorry to waste your time with such a stupid question when there are much serious problems out there, but in my little world this is pretty major for me!

Thank you in advance for your help

Rab Rakha
(REPLY) Sat Nam. Why can't you wear a skirt with tights underneath? Or very thick stockings? Don't compromise your virtues -- pray to Guru for guidance, and help in this! I hope you succeed! blessings,

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Amrit Holding Me Back? (05/17/2003)
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