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Summary of Question:Is Hair Important In Sikhism?
Date Posted:Wednesday, 3/16/2005 12:43 PM MDT

I have heard, seen and read alot about people saying that if you cut your hair, you are not a true sikh anymore. But keeping kesh was introduced by Guru Gobind Singh Ji, so isn't keeping your kesh only applied to people who follow the path of Khalsa? I mean if you cut your hair but still follow the rules of Sikhism, you are still a Sikh or is Sikhism only based around keeping your kesh? The question I am asking may sound rude to some or all for which I apologize but I have to know about this.

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Sat Nam! Who is a true Sikh and who is not a true Sikh is clear from one's actions in life. I have known many a true Sikh, who did not have the roop of a Sikh, and many who kept perfect bana yet whose hearts were dark with hypocrisy and deception.

Keeping kesh is a personal matter that comes from deep understanding of our hairs and why they are there. The Creator is perfect and He created us perfectly. Our hairs serve a purpose and when we remove them thay always grow back. Why? Because they are supposed to be there. If they were not supposed to be there, they would not grow there.

It is very simple. Hairs are your antennas, your strength and your flowing beauty. They are your grace and they represent your love of God and Guru.
Long before Guru Gobind Singh, saints and sages throughout time have honored God and the integrity of his Divine Design by keeping their hairs at their natural length. Through his wisdom, Guru Gobind Singh carried on that tradition.


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