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Summary of Question:Islamic Conflict Coming?
Date Posted:Saturday, 1/31/2004 11:30 AM MST

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. I am concerned as i believe that soon UK will be a predominantly Islamic Country, it is slowly slowly happening with Muslims moving into a certain area and then the other neighbours from other religions tend to quickly move away and then the cycle begins once more. surely if this was to continue then the whole of the world may become Islamic. i have wrote a letter before but received no respons; please answer my question as i am very concerned.

Sat Siri Akaal. So what would you have us do or say? This is the way of the world. Trends go one way, then another. The rise and fall of civilizations, faiths, and cultures is what the world's existence has been about. If you study European history over 1000 years, you will see that each and every country we know of today at one time ruled Europe. Why do you think the whole world will become Muslim when so many people are finding NEW faiths that don't even have a name? While a part of UK may dominate as Muslim, that doesn't mean the whole world will become so. Be realistic and study some history. Get perspective. Guru ang sang,

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