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Summary of Question:Response To Mr Baljit Singhs Response To My Question
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 7/05/2002 1:19 PM MDT

hi i would just like to say that the situation we are in is not an ordinary one; sikhs have been hit after 1984 at their core very hard and are lacking in any substance at the moment. by leaving sikhi fragmented round the world problems will occur. we already see many sikh/muslim marriages, much higher numbers of sikhs shunning sikhi and shaving their beards/waxing, we also see many sikhs drinking alcohol,etc. these are all temptations of the west. i do not say we should isolate ourself, i am saying sikhs need to 'regroup' and grow stronger before spreading out into the world again.

a large wound will not heal on it's own like a small one, it needs to be nurtured, the body given rest and attention before the body is fit and well again.

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Response To Mr Baljit Singhs Response To My Question (07/05/2002)
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