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Summary of Question:Re:Please Save My Marriage
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Friday, 12/30/2005 1:48 PM MST

Dear Sister,

The shabad you are looking for is below. You may read it in punjabi by following the link. I was following your posts and the answer that GTKK has given you is what exactly I wanted to say. I am a punjabi Amritdhari sikh mother & exactly understand what you are talking about. The miracle for you will be if you can get out of this marriage without any hinderance and make a good life for yourself alone or with a true soul mate. Wish you all the luck that you need now. May Guru be Ang Sang and guide you through this difficult time.

Moderator wrote: - Well, I am going to be very direct with you here. It is my opinion that you need to look at your marriage...and do so before you have children. From what you have said, it sounds like this man is unwilling to compromise and make any effort to make the marriage work. Is that true? So, then you need to I want to spend the rest of my life in that kind of a marriage? Can I find enough good about the marriage to make it worth while for me? Is it better to get out of the marriage now before children? Do I want to bring a child into a marriage like this? I know these are hard questions, but they need to be asked and answered by you...honestly. It sounds like any compromise and change will have to come from you, only. Is that OK with you? Be honest with your self now before you get pregannt and bring a child into the world. Maybe the Guru is protecting you by not getting pregnant until you answer some questions within yourself. Blessings. Let me know what you decide. GTKK

This Shabad is by Bhatt Sathaa & Balvand in Raag Raamkalee on Pannaa 968

dhha(n)n dhha(n)n raamadhaas gur jin siriaa thinai savaariaa ||
pooree hoee karaamaath aap sirajanehaarai dhhaariaa ||
sikhee athai sa(n)gathee paarabreham kar namasakaariaa ||
attal athhaahu athol thoo thaeraa a(n)th n paaraavaariaa ||
jinhee thoo(n) saeviaa bhaao kar sae thudhh paar outhaariaa ||
lab lobh kaam krodhh mohu maar kadtae thudhh saparavaariaa ||
dhha(n)n s thaeraa thhaan hai sach thaeraa paisakaariaa ||
naanak thoo lehanaa thoohai gur amar thoo veechaariaa ||
gur ddit(h)aa thaa(n) man saadhhaariaa ||7||
Blessed, blessed is Guru Raam Daas; He who created You, has also exalted You.
Perfect is Your miracle; the Creator Lord Himself has installed You on the throne.
The Sikhs and all the Congregation recognize You as the Supreme Lord God, and bow down to You.
You are unchanging, unfathomable and immeasurable; You have no end or limitation.
Those who serve You with love - You carry them across.
Greed, envy, sexual desire, anger and emotional attachment - You have beaten them and driven them out.
Blessed is Your place, and True is Your magnificent glory.
You are Nanak, You are Angad, and You are Amar Daas; so do I recognize You.
When I saw the Guru, then my mind was comforted and consoled. ||7||


Thank you so much for this. GTKK

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