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Summary of Question:Paat In The Holidays
Date Posted:Friday, 7/07/2006 5:47 AM MDT

wjkk wjkf Hi my is Gurbinder and iam 14 i have just started to do paat and the six weeks holidays are coming up and i dont know if i still have to get up early and do paat in the holidays. I'm the only Amrit darhi kid in my household so could you please help me.

Thank you

(REPLY) Sat Nam! Congratulations on starting to read the banis every day! You are very wise to establish this as a habit, for every time you recite the sacred words of the Guru, you are building the Gurus wisdom, strength, and courage into the very fiber of your being. Doing paat is not just a "ritual," it is a method given by the Guru to help us human beings fulfill our destiny on Earth, and be able to unite with Akal Purkh. God and Guru do not go on holiday! the Earth keeps rotating every day, whether school is in session or not. So, the answer to your question is that the best thing you can do is keep up with your paath, no matter what day it is! Each time you do paat you are feeding your soul. May God bless you and Guru continue to guide you, SP

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