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Summary of Question:Is It Okto Marry A Different Caste?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 8/26/2004 1:01 PM MDT

i was wondering is it ok for a jatt to marry a papa or someone else and is this advisable? thanks

This is a caste related question. Sikhi does not endorse or observe caste. The forum moderators believe there are far more serious considerations than false divisions such as caste. Is the person good? Is there love or is a dowry all that is being worried about? Is the person a Gursikh? Is the person responsible and does he/she have a vocation? The list of questions that could really matter when deciding a marriage is long, but should not include caste. Guru ang sang,

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Is It Okto Marry A Different Caste? (08/26/2004)
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