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Summary of Question:Intercaste Marriage
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Thursday, 1/12/2006 1:18 PM MST

Hi There. You guys provide very good guidance as per Gurbani.

But i am confused at one point. All the time it is said that two people from different spiritual paths/religions should not get married as it will be hard ! I kinda disagree with this. Guru Nanak's first two sikhs: Bhai Bala, Bhai Mardaana were from two different religions, still they they spent all their life with guru ji. Guru Gobind singh ji had many disciples that were muslims,who gave their lives in battles. I believe it is the understanding, real love for god that matters - i mean if there is one God as per sikhism, then no matter what religion two people practive, their Goal is One - God. As long as they understand this there should be no problems in intercaste marriage. I dont feel Jesus and Guru Ji dislike each other. And guru nanak ji also said that there is no muslim, no hindu but all are first humans. Sorry if you guys didn't like what i said, but i really feel God is one, before calling ourselves sikhs, or anything else, we are humans - children of One Father God.

Thanks for your time.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. You have done what do many people do, oversimplified, rationalized and argued your point without taking into consideration all the things that have been stated (and experienced) over and over about what it means to be a Sikh, and why there IS a difference. Yes, accept and respect all religions but how do you raise your children? etc. etc. This has been dealt with over and over on this site. But of course, there's a saying, "Man convinced against his will is unconvinced still" so I doubt that anything you read will change your mind, because it is not convenient to give up your position. BTW, "intercaste" marriage is not what you discussed. As Sikhs, as Khalsa, we definitely do not recognize castes! A Sikh is a Sikh is a Sikh. Blessings, SP

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