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Summary of Question:Sikh Boys And Girls.
Date Posted:Saturday, 6/07/2003 1:05 PM MDT

Satsriakal to all the SIKH brothers and sisters.

I saw the questions about a sikh boy,girls and kesh (hairs).These two letters just blame eachother,boys blame the girls and girls blame the boys. Unforunately they don't no about what GURU JI says about the hair.In these days lots of peoples says hair is not nessasery for SIKHI.They want themself so called modern.I my self posted ad in sikhnet matrimonial almost one and half years ago.I am wondering that lots of girls contect with me and offer me if I throw my paag (turban) become a clean shave then they are ready to marry with me. Its ammaging for me that at sikh net matrimonials 95% girls want non turban person for marrige. Same 95% boys are clean shaves and they still clame them self SIKHs. More wonder is this that this all is happening on first web site for SIKHS,sikhnet. WAHEGURU ji blesses us and we know the importance of hair in sikhi. If the sikhes today forget what our father GURU GOBIND SINGH sahaib said about importance of hair and why little SAHAIBZADA's sacrificed thier life for us. How do we think GURU JI is happy with us?

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