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Summary of Question:Marriage
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Tuesday, 6/21/2005 6:26 AM MDT

sat sri akaal

i have wriiten to you becasue i need some seroius advice regarding the situtaion in my life at present. i am a 24 year old girl living in canada. i have beenwith my lover for the past four yeras and we inteneded to get married to one another. i was coming to the stage at which i was ready to tell my parents but before all this could even happen they showed my 'teva' to a pundit. he said that i was a 'mungleet' and said that it was only right for me to marry a mungleet too. if i did not my husband would die. when i found out about this i am heartbroken, i want to marry my lover, but i dont thk my family will agree to it bcz my lover is not a mungleet. my life feels ruined... pleaes help me

Well, you have a choice. Do you believe the pundit? I think I would investigate the reliability of this pundit. What kind of a tract record does this person have? It is a very heavy thing to go against your family. On the other hand, it is a very heavy thing to follow the superstition of someone who may be wrong and who will carve the course of your life. I cannot tell you what to do. But, it is your life and you do have choices. Instead of thinking of your self as a victim, at the whim of a pundit...look into the validity of this pandit and then make a choice. It may mean going against your family, but on the other hand, if you find that this pundit is not valid then you have that to prove your case to your family. Let us know how it goes. Blessings. GTKK

thank you

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