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Summary of Question:Why God Wants Us To Pray?
Date Posted:Saturday, 10/09/2004 9:18 AM MDT

i'm really confused......actually about everything to do with religion!!!! One thing that i do not understand is about wat is God. i have read the mool mantar and that does not help me understand. Like is God a superhuman, does like god have powers or is God just another word for rightouesness. Honestly it doesn't make sense to me and it relle bugs me.

Like i don't understand why in every religion there is a prayer. why pray??? Why does God want people to pray??? There are like all these stories of these baghats that prayed and then bang God visited them. For example Jesus went to the desert, i think in Islam Mohammed did as well n then in Hinduism these saints prayed in the forest and in sikhism even the gurus, like Guru Gobind Singh, prayed in their past life. And then after praying for a long time god visited them and gave them these 'special powers'.

I dunno why God would firstly want sum1 to pray n then be happy that they prayed for a certain time and then award them with these powers. I would get really annoyed if sum1 just said my name all the time n i would rather they went and helped the poor by doing community service, raising money for the unfortunate and helping those in need. I cannot understand the importance of praying as i think it is better to b doing sumthing practical.

wat does God gain when people pray???......U know i really don't get the whole concept and it doesn't make sense to me. I don't mean to sound rude or sumthing but i stopped praying ages ago cos i saw no point. i would rather spend my time doing other things. Like volunteering at a nursing home where i help with the care of the elderly and i know that i am doing sumthing worthwhile. i believe in God but i don't see the point in doing all these prayers. Its pointless.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. So long as you think of God as some "person" (even a "super-human person") you won't understand why people pray. God doesn't gain anything by our prayers, it is that WE pray in order to connect with G O D -- that Universal force, Intelligence, Consciousness, Energy that G enerates, O rganizes and then D elivers (or D estroys) all life. There is ONE CREATOR, and that is what gave us life in this human form. The purpose of life is to remember from whence we came (i.e. GOD) and re-unite consciously with that Universal SElf, so that we are no longer limited. Meanwhile, yes, doing charity work is excellent, because we should make this a better world for our having lived and breathed here! Remember, everything comes from GOD, and everything shall return to GOD, including us. Ideally, we will prepare consciously for that journey while we're still alive. That's why we pray and chant God's name so that we make that connection habitual. God cannot be intellectually understood, God has to be EXPERIENCED. We only talk about God to inspire us to do things to gain that experience. I hope this explanation helps you. May God and Guru bless you, SP

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Why God Wants Us To Pray? (10/09/2004)
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