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Summary of Question:What Do I Do I Am In Love?
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Sunday, 11/28/2004 11:51 PM MST


gr8 job

i want to tell u something about my self
dere is dis guy i loved a lot but he never loved did break my heart but now iam over it
thanx to sikhnet that they helped me heal it and forget it
now i do my paath daily never missing a day

but the problem with me is that i have forgotten him but now i am falling for someone else
this second guy is very nice and caring..........i am not sure but i think am falling in love wth him
coz i feel the same way i use to feel for the first guy
i know dere is nothing possible wth him as he already has a girl friend...........
i want to ask u how long will i have to liv wth a broken heart

do u think i must have done wrong to people in my last life?
coz i never hurt anyone intentionally
i am too confused

plz help me .........why is this thing happenning to me?
i dont want to go thru heart break and depression or crying again
i have cried and spent sleepless nights but this time i dont want to go thru it again

i do my paath everyday and have great faith in "guru nanak dev ji"

i know its a long msg but thanx for ur time and patience


(REPLY) Sat Nam. This "falling in love" is hard to deal with, because it's obviously a habit, a pattern, and something in you longs to 'be' in love, and that's not so unusual. The thing is, you are wasting your time and energy living in your emotions, and if you really don't want to "go thru it again" -- then don't! I know that's easier said than done, but you have to find something to occupy your mind above and beyond any relationship. Notice that you said you are "falling" for someone else. Well, that's it, you're falling, not rising up to your higher consciousness. I am guessing that you're in your middle teens, and I just want to encourage you to keep reading your banis, and in addition try to find some seva that you can do that keeps you busy helping others, so that you forget about your own feelings and desires. Find a group or organization that helps other people and volunteer your free time, and please have faith that eventually, when the time is right, Guru will bring the right man into your life for your husband. Meanwhile, realize that the being in love as you think you are now is a fantasy, and it is not permanent. Pray to Guru Ram Das, Lord of Miracles (!) to help you change your focus. If you want to be happy, commit yourself to discovering your own beautiful soul by meditating more, serving others, seeing the God in ALL people, and excelling in your studies. When you're young everything, or most things seem much more important than they really are. By reading from Siri Guru Granth SAhib (in English, so you get the meaning) you will gain a perspective on life -- and it's purpose, YOUR purpose in being here on this planet at this time. May God bless you and Guru guide you. SP

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