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Summary of Question:Regarding Reply: Spelling Mistakes In Sggs?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 8/11/2002 11:09 PM MDT

Dear Sikhnet Moderator (DKK),

Waahiguroo jee kaa khaalsaa !!! Waahiguroo jee kee fathe !!!

The banis collected in the Guru Granth Sahib are from different bhagats and different Gurus. They were written at different times in different cities, provinces and even different countries. In my amateur opinion and according to my limited knowledge, the way they were spoken TO the public, or the way the local dialect was, is the way the Gurus presented the message of God.

Just as, if we were to make an english interpretation of Guru Granth Sahib - in Canada, anywhere that the Punjabi / Hindi word "rung" was mentioned, we would translate it as COLOUR, while in the USA we would translate it as COLOR (without the "U").

The spelling is not incorrect, and the Guru did everything, down to the smallest detail, for a reason. We all can try to guess why - but the most obvious reasons are that the spelling is different based on writer, dialect, location. Also we can guess that the Guru was making it clear that the truth can be spoken in different tongues.

bhul chuk maaf karnaa jee
please kindly forgive errors and omissions

Waahiguroo jee kaa khaalsaa !!! Waahiguroo jee kee fathe

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