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Summary of Question:The Religion Of Love
Date Posted:Friday, 2/21/2003 4:08 AM MST

In sikhism it says to keep urself as the way god made u,which includes not removing a strand of hair from ur body.Religions should bring peace and harmony to the world yet opinions on religions have caused more destruction than most natural disasters.DOES sikhism beleive in ONE GOD or many GODS for each religion?If it believes is ONE GOD they why do other people in other religions cut their hair or beards.If a baby born in a sikh family was misplaced at birth with a hindu family would he keep his hair or beard?Does this make him a sinner?I am more interested in helping to make the world a better place than keepin long hair.Are other religions wrong in that they allow cutting of hair?After all..we r all made from 1 man and woman many years ago.Religions bring peace and connection to GOD and should never become a burden.The religion of LOVE is the most important religion after all.Just something to think about.....

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Yes, there is just One GOD, and there are many ways that people can worship. Some of us are Sikhs, and that is the way we have chosen (either by birth --good karma!) or by choice (also good karma!) and according to the Sikh religion we follow certain practices. We don't try to convert anyone who chooses another religion, and we don't go around calling other people sinners. So, it seems you think that the story of Adam and Eve is the way it all began? Maybe... I agree, religion should never cause wars, nor should it cause people to fight or be unkind to one another. It is the people who misinterpret their religion, who become fanatics who cause the problems. Most people are not capable of LOVE, becaue true love requires sacrifice, and is not a business arrangement, it is a total GIVING. Our Gurus gave us living examples of love, and now we have Siri Guru Granth Sahib to remind us to LOVE God, and remember His Name! (YOu know how, when you're "in love" you write the initials of the sweetheart over and over in your notebook, you carve your intertwined initials on a tree -- well when we love God, we remember His Name -- and Sikhs try to do so with every breath. So that's what I think about. SP

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