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Summary of Question:The Kara On Hand Only?
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Friday, 7/25/2003 1:13 PM MDT

Hi. I was just wondering - do you have to wear a kara on your hand? I've seen what looks like a big kara on people's turbans sometimes, but what happens if you wear it on your ankle or something? Is that disrespectful?


Sat Siri AKaal. The big karas on turbans are called 'chakras' and they were worn in battle to protect the warrior's head. It is not considered a kara.
Karas are indeed to be worn on the hand. We see and use our hands so much. The idea of the kara, in part, is for the wearer to be reminded of their bond to Guru. It is also easily seen by others, and thus tells others this person is a follower of Guru.
Guru ang sang,

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