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Summary of Question:Lieing And Getting Out Of The Habit Of
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Thursday, 3/15/2007 10:43 AM MDT

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru ji ki Fateh!

Hi, I was reading a lot of your questions and answers, and it has truly helped me. I am wondering how do I clear my mind of evil thoughts, and speak truthfully all the time? I have been lieing for no good reason (maybe to protect myself from blame or from dad hitting me as a child), but it is definitely causing me a lot of pain now.
I lie to my fiance about stupid things, and it's not worth it. PLease tell me what I can do. I light a tuff everymorning, listen to local radio cast of gurudwara, and sikh.net Kirtan.

Also, I want to start becoming more aware of our teachings. I have purchased english gotke, CAN i do path in ENGLISH? I fear of pronouncing wrongfully of our path.

Also, WHAT IS SHABAD HAzaare? I read who wrote it, and why, but where can I find it? and What would be anyone's reason to recite it everyday?

Thank you for putting me a step closer to my faith. This is a great service to the next generation.

Sat Sri Akal.
Dear one,
You have made a habit of living in fear and not respecting yourself or your word.

Your word is VERY important. Please do start reciting your nitnem in English right away and continue daily for the next 90 days and see how your life changes. Also, you can get a CD or tape of your bani's in Gurmukhi and recite along with it. That way you will get the correct pronunciation.

I think you can find Shabd Hazare on Sikhnet. It is in many nitnems after Jap Ji or in the back of the nitnem. You can check with www.ahw or www.spiritvoyage.com to find an English Nitnem. There is one called PEACE LAGOON. SHabd Hazaare is for not being seperated from your beloveds. I recite it daily and find it so powerful for opening up my creativity and intuition and it helps me relax.
I suggest that you recite it daily 11 times. The prayer by Arjan Dev when he was son of Guru Ram Das CAN be found at SIKHNET: Shabds for printing. It starts "Meraa Man loche gur darshan Taa-ee............"

Blessings to you on your path of the ONE,

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