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Summary of Question:Reply To....I Am Fed Up Of My Life Question
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 12/24/2004 6:21 PM MST

I dont know from where to answer this so I am using this area of the website to put my thoughts.

I am 45 years with a daughter aged 17. Let me share my view points to this girls problem.

Point no. 1 :
Let the world say what they want. Don't exactly bother.

Point no. 2 :
Study hard, get good marks, get a good job. The moment you land up a good job, the world stops taking all this nonsense.

Point no. 3 :
The Boy you love is going to "settle down" in a family business. Because of this, he may not exhibit guts or may not have any in the first place.

Marriage is first between you and your husband - The families and society comes later. Love is easy, you meet, chit-chat, spend nice time and go home. Enduring problems and finding winning solutions is difficult. You have probably spent the easy time with him. Refer my point 3

Banish all negative thoughts, put all this thought, energy and time to achieve somthing big.

I am actually amazed at the girls of your generation. They simply surpass the boys in all departments. Go ahead the world is yours. I have nieces who put boys of their age to shame.

And remember your Waheguru at all times. Turn your immense love for this boy to immense love for work, immense love for getting ahead in life, immense love for your Waheguru.

Guru Rakha

[email protected]

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