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Summary of Question:It Is A Mistake
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 5/07/2002 12:31 PM MDT

Wahe GuruJi Ka Khalsa; Wahe Guruji Ki Fateh,

This has been going on in my mind since the last few days, and I thought I ask you people, why does this go on. There is something I have noticed in Gurdwaras, and it is even the same in temples and mosques. I do not know whether it is in Churches, and I do not know, whether it should be accepted or not, but honestly speaking I do not believe it is right.

Well, whenever there is a general or a council election coming up, you always get Gurdwaras and temples etc telling the community whom they should vote for. For instance, there are lots of Gurdwaras out there, who urge the Sikh community to vote 'Labour'. Personally, I do not force my politics down someone's throat, but that is what I always see happen. Politics have got nothing to do with one's Religuous faith, and no religion has anything to do with politics.

My friend's Dhaiahji is a raagi, at this Gurdwara, and he always goes round telling the Sikh community at his Gurdwara, whom they should vote for. I have nothing against him, because I quite like him as a person, but he is not politically aware, and I don't see why he should go round telling people who come to his Gurdwara, whom they should vote for. The elderly would normally vote for the one the Gurdwara tells them. I mean people should be allowed to vote for whomever they want, personally I would not go round telling people, whom they should vote for.

Please let me know, why this goes on in Gurdwara, temples and mosques? What gives them the right to be enforcing their political beliefs on someone?

(REPLY) It is my understanding that historically, in India, Government and Religion were not separated the way they are in the United States. The custom of bringing politics into the Gurdwara seems to have continued in many places. However, in the Sikh Dharma Gurdwaras in America we definitely do not have political speeches. If people individually have political opinions, then of course they want to share them with others, but the Gurdwara is not the place to do it. The Gurdwara is for the Guru! Gurdwara, the gate of the Guru is a sacred place to sing Gurbani Kirtan, and to speak only words that relate to Guru and can uplift, inspire and educate the sadh sangat. (What happens in temples and mosques is according to their beliefs.)

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