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Summary of Question:Homosexuality
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Sunday, 10/07/2007 11:17 PM MDT

I have read your posts regarding homosexuality throughout 2001, 2005 and 2007.

My elder brother is a homosexual but is not brave to tell anyone regarding it
apart from me and to be honest i dont want to tell anyone either. He hates the
way he is and wants to lead a heterosexual life... I am jolly well aware that
in the us here there are alot of christian groups trying to change peoples
sexual orientation but he is a sikh and will Never sought help from other
religious groups... What should i tell him... What can he do... i know he prays
hard and he has faith but sometimes he gets totally shaken with the prospect of
his orientation... I am not being critical of Sikhs who are openly
homosexuals... i salute their confidence but my brother does not want it... He
told me something that shook me up saying that he rather be dead than to be in
his present state... I have shed alot of tears... Even though some people in
the forum support homosexuality and some vehimently criticize it... No one
tells what a homosexual that feels utterly in agony regarding his sexuality can
do... And in reply to one previous post saying that people induce
homosexuality... That is utterly UNTRUE... if he induced his homosexuality, he
would not be feeling suicidal...
Any advice is welcomed!
Waheguru Ki Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh...

My dear Tasha,

Your brother could use some counseling. But, for starters could you find a Kundalini Yoga center nearby and suggest that he start practicing this daily and intensively. The Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan is for balancing the Chakra's. He would benefit from practicing daily and coming to terms with his orientation.

Many blessings to you and your brother,


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