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Summary of Question:Doing Paath ?
Date Posted:Wednesday, 2/19/2003 12:41 AM MST

Thank you for taking your time to answer my concern.

My Question is that "you" usually suggest doing Shabad Hazare Paath 11 times a day. I do Shabad Hazare 5 times a day, due to time constraints. Does that mean,by only doing it 5 times instead of 11, my Prayers will not be answered? Please shed some light on this for me. I would deeply appreciate your effort on my part.
Also, I am bit confused by the WHOLE Shabad Hazare... Please Please let me know the "starting lines" also the "ending lines" of the Shabad Hazare.

Once again, Thank you so very much for your HELP on this.
God Bless !!! WJKK WJKF !!!

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Sorry for the confusion. When 11 repetitions were suggested, I believe it meant to sing the shabd, (i.e. the first four verses, which are the letters written to Guru Ram Das by his son, Arjan) 11 times. Of course reading the entire bani 11 times would be wonderful. Prayers are always answered, if they are heard. We do certain special paath to make our prayers more effective, but there is no guarantee that answer will be what you want! (nor as soon as you want! There is a saying: "Man proposes, God disposes." Just know that all that happens is God's will. Anyway, here are the words of those four letters:
Mayraa man lochai gur darshan taa-ee
Bilap karay chaatrik kee ni-aa-ee
Trikhaa na utarai shaant na aavai
Bin darshan sant pi-aaray jee-o

Hao gholee jee-o ghol ghumaa-ee
Gur darshan sant pi-aaray jee-0

Tayraa mukh suhaavaa jee-o sahaj dhun baanee
Chir ho-aa daykhay saaring paanee
Dhan so days jahaa too(n) vasi-aa
Mayra sajan meet muraaray jee-o

Hao gholee hao ghol ghumaa-ee
Gur sajan meet muraaray jee-o

Ik gharee na milatay taa kalijug hota
Hun kad milee-ai pri-a tudh bhagavant
Mo-eh rain na vaihaavai need na aavai
Bin daykhay gur darbaaray jee-o

Hao gholee jee-o ghol ghumaa-ee
Tis sachay gur darbaaray jee-o

Bhaag ho-aa gur sant milaai-aa
Prabh abhinaasee ghar meh paa-i-aa
Sayv karee pal chasaa na vichhuraa
Jan Naanak daas tumaaray jee-o

Hao gholee jee-o ghol ghumaa-ee
Jan Naanak daas tomaaray jee-o

Blessings, SP

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Doing Paath ? (02/19/2003)
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