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Summary of Question:Which Hand To Wear A Kara
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 9/02/2001 8:45 AM MDT

Sat shri akal,

Can sikhs wear a kara on either hand? I had heard that there may be a difference for males and females as to which hand we wear our kara's on. I am female and I have been wearing my kara on my right hand. I am a bit worried that if we do have to wear it on a specific side, I may be wearing it on the wrong one.

Many Thanks.

addenda reply

Sat Siri Akaal. I have since found out that in Guruji's time, the kara was typically worn on the right hand, since most people are right handed, and thus it is the right hand that wields a weapon. Thus, when Sikhs were fighting, the hand with the weapon was the hand with the kara, and seeing the kara reminded the warrior that whatever he does, he should do from the conciousness of the Guru, from the light of the Guru, not from any other standard than that of Guru.

Guru ang sang,

Dear One:

Sat Siri Akaal.

I know of two approaches to kara wearing.

I am a converted American Sikh woman, and a long time ago I learned that because the steel of the kara becomes part of your aura, that women are recommended to wear it on the left hand, and men on the right hand. This is because women's prana/life force flows in through the left (moon) side, and men's flows in through the right (sun) side. Women are ruled by the moon, and men by the sun. It's kind of a subtle-energy thing.

Then, when I was in India, some well-meaning Gursikh looked at my left hand and shook his head, pointed, and said, it belongs on the right hand. While I did not make the change, that's when I understood that the tradition is to wear it on the right hand.

Over the years, I have seen it on either hand on Sikhs of any origin. Mostly I see it on the right hand in men, but have seen it on the left hand of both genders. I have also, of course, seen one one EACH hand, particularly among the youth.

I think the bottom line is, it doesn't matter, as long as it's worn. A Sikh man without a right arm would have to wear his kara on the left, right?

I don't mean to confuse you. Perhaps someone reading this will have additional input. Guru rakha,


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