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Summary of Question:Whats Happening To Me?
Date Posted:Wednesday, 3/17/2004 6:56 PM MDT


I dnt kno hw to start diz bt ill giv it a shot..
i dnt hav ne energy to go on.. evryday life is js becomin a burden, a hassle for me...i do path and n am into sikhi...i dont even like studyin sik of evryting, evrythin like daily stuff. goin to college, sittin in classes, comin bak home, eatin sleepin. i js wana leave evrything all of this study stuff and js meditate and realise God b4 da day i die i feel soooo scared dat i wil die without meetin God :( wen i com bak from college m soo tired and drained i cant even do path properly, its like my body isnt wid me...i dnt wana study for too long. wen i go to my classes its like m not dere, js my body iz...i feel like da whole world is fake, evryone livin in it is fake, ppl say fake things, make fake promises and dey r never said for real or to be kept. ppl lie to get wat dey want and no1 carez for ne1 from heart, its all a show
:~( and wen i see all this and experience it, which i hav many times, im begining to get sik of it...evrythin is a lie and ppl meet each other for selfish purposes only and wen dey get wat dey want or wen dey see deyr not getin it dey move on and dont give a damn for da otha personz feelins. i dont wana be around dese kinda ppl or trust dem or nethin dey say. i js wana become free of all deez ties, and js work on sikhi and and path and simran for long hours. im feelin so scared, i wana meet God b4 i die, wana make use of dis life now. plz help me wat shud i do abt my study thing?????? my parents wud kick me out or somtin if i say i dnt wana study no more?



Sat Nam!! It sounds like you might be suffering from Depression. I would suggest that you go see a counselor. If this is not possible then at least go see a Medical Doctor. It sounds like you need some professional help with your mood swings. Please don't ignore your depressed state of mind. Seek help. Prayers and blessings, GTKK

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