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Summary of Question:A New Sikh Youth Website!!! :-0)
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 3/02/2004 8:40 PM MST

Vaheguroo Je Kha Khalsa, Vaheguroo Je Ke Fateh:

Greetings to all my fellow brothers and sisters! I’m glad to see that all of you are taking advantage of this truly wonderful resource that the Sikhnet sevadaars have offered all of us with this youth forum. While it is certainly one of the more prominent tools at our disposal, it is also not the only one out there. As I’m sure you would all agree with me, in our quest to better understand Sikhi, it is always prudent to seek out as many different viewpoints as possible..

To that end, I wanted to take a moment to share with you another great resource that I have only recently discovered and wanted to let everyone know about. The Waheguroo Network sevadaars have created a message board dedicated especially for Sikh Youth which can be located at:

Here, Sikh youth from all over the globe can participate and learn from one another. I didn’t know about it until fairly recently, but it is just one more resource in addition to the Sikhnet Youth Forum that we can all turn to. Registration is free and everyone is welcome to join regardless of level of practice. I’d love to see more of our youth become involved as we all stand to benefit for our collective knowledge and experiences.

Keep up the great work everyone! :-0)

-Vaheguroo Je Kha Khalsa, Vaheguroo Je Ke Fateh!!!!

Sat Siri Akaal. Thank you. I would urge the sitemasters to register this site at, which is a portal to Sikh sites generally.

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