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Summary of Question:Can Waheguru Ji Change My Destiny
Date Posted:Saturday, 10/18/2003 1:28 PM MDT

Sat Sri Akaal Ji

I have a big problem, i am a small sikh girl. All humans here tease me i am small for my age. It hurts me really it hurts my soul why waheguru cant help me i am love sikhi i love Sat Guru
i am a proud sikh girl i want to be tall. Even my parents tease me why didnt Sat Guru listen to me? I want to be tall please help me what can i do
I hoped i waited for so long but why he dont listen to me i am really hurt. Can he change my destiny
Can he show a wonder......
please answer me i beg you

Sat Sri Akaal

<<<<< REPLY >>>>>

Sat Nam, First, about being small. . . It matters not what your physical size may be, it is the size of your spirit, courage and compassion that counts, and that is what people notice and remember. Your thoughts and feelings about your physical size are what is disturbing you, not your actual physical size. I get the impression that you feel small. Ghandi Ji was very physically small, but look how big a man he was. Guru Harkrishan was only 8 years old - very small - but look how big he was. What is required here is for you to let go of your feelings about being small.

Now as for Guru Ji changing destinies. . . he does it all the time. He took a poor dal seller and made him into Guru Ram Das Ji. Each of us who live our lives in devotion and seva to the Guru's mission is an example of a changed destiny. All you have to do is open your heart and let Guru Ji in, and stop feeling resentful or sorry for yourself.

As Guru Teg Bahadur said when he was beheaded after being asked to perform a miracle - " I gave my head, but not my faith. What other miracle can there be?"

Many blessings to you, may your spirit, courage and compassion be large!


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