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Summary of Question:Who Am I
Date Posted:Saturday, 5/31/2003 3:30 AM MDT

Sat Shri Akal

I am confused to know what i really am. I come from a Hindu Punjabi family and it means we also go to the Mandir and also the Gudwara. So in some sense we follow two religions, Hinduism and Sikhism. Some of my aunties have been married into a Sikh family but my home family is divided into two, where my some follow the Sikh traditions and where others follow Hinduism. Its often a combination of the two most of the time.

i am confused to know as well as other as to what religion i belong to. i pray to both as to i dont no what is right for me. i have asked my family several times as to what this means but i never manage to get a response from them.
thank u

sat shri akal

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Your confusion is understandable. The question really is, what does your innermost soul feel most at home with? No one can choose for you. There is beauty in both forms of worship, but you will not be happy until you decide which path gives you the most fulfillment, and helps you most to give you perspective on the meaning of your life. Where does each path lead? In Sikhism we understand that God lives and dwells within each of us, and we strive to experience union with God through chanting God's Name. For those of us whose souls resonate with the truth of the teachings of the Guru, and who find fulfillment in reading from Siri Guru Granth Sahib and listening to the Words of this "Shabd Guru" as our one and only living true Guru, our path is clear. May God God bless you and Guru guide you to find the way to your soul's highest destiny. SP

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