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Summary of Question:The Working Of Hukam
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 12/29/2002 4:52 PM MST

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

Thsi sis just a general email i htought would be nice for i feel so alone somtimes with my thoughts and i wanted to share them so other also know that there are others who ponder. I was going to the temple at 2pm today and on the way i looked outa the windoiw and i couldnt believe the power of God. A true magician i thought to myself, has led billions astray while a few undertand the hukam. I though how can people who are so itellegent be fooled? How can humans wbe fooled? Whilest i pondered this i said these worlds to myseld. I said that i ask for naam but do i understand what i asking for? I felt confused but bewitched at the same time? An amritari, full faith in God but i couldnt understand how it was being pulled off infront of my eyes? I bow to the granth sahib but what am i bowing to? Do i really undertand what im asking for? I think we should ponder these questions. Then i arrived and it was closed, the lights were off and i sat infront of the Granth Sahib and there was no paht no empty room and i fell into deep meditation and naam japna. I felt awkward that i was stupid as people walked in and stared at me as these was no paht. It was then i understood that i was actually doing what Guru ji has been telling us. I WAS pondering and repeating Gods name. I feel this is important as i was getting into the habbit of visting gudwara when it was busy, aimlessy listenign to paht i couldnt really undertand i thinking i was good coz id spent 3 hours in there. While i chanted waheguru and pondered about the world and how God was pullign this amazing show off, my thoughts crossed to jaap sahib and i understood that God was so itellegent like a force that passed through everything, didnt care what it was, weather a sikh or a drunk! Cared the same for the muslim as for the dog. I felt low, i felt i was no longer special or unique. Religions is the cause of all war....a family memeber told me, i replied no its people who use it as an exuse....then i said that its pride and ego that is the cause of war and hate! What is God she said, i replied i cant answer that, she in return said well thats a cop out. She went on to say where is God, i said everwhere, she said where i said u just took his gift without knowing, she said what, i said u breathed. She said ur following a blind faith, but if im following blind faith then so are u as you cannot disprove me. Who is right? I didnt think she was wrong!!! She was correct and i came back to my question......How great is this play? It cannot be solved, nor debated? What power can it take to do this? My nani who is amritari said to her daughter who do u belive in , she said i belive in nobody. My nani replied that not good!! The daughter replied what about u? Nani replied The 10th master. I said why not waheguru? she said that is waheguru? i said waheguru has no form, she said then what is he? Thsi woman read the 5 banis and more for 30 yrs of her life and she hasnt understood??? I couldnt undertandf the ways of the world, why do some relize it and others cant? People judge poeple but they should stop and think, judge urself and never judge another, only a perfect person can make that judgement. Sorry if i sound mad but these are my daily thought and i thought id share a single day with you guys to show you there are others who do this and you are not going crazy :) WAHEGURU

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Happy New Year! I really enjoyed reading your thoughts, thank you for sharing them. However, I don't know what you mean about "you are not going crazy"?? Actually, I believe each of us is given the gift of understanding and awareness of God to whatever degree Guru blesses us, and so we can't assess or know really why anyone else doesn't share the same understanding that we have. Nor can we really judge that either1 Everything is Guru's grace, and God's will. So, all we can do is be grateful for what we have been given, and try to inspire and uplift everyone whom we meet. May God bless you and Guru continue to guide you! SP

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