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Summary of Question:Does Sikhism Promote Socialism?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 12/08/2001 8:10 PM MST

Wahi GuruJi Ka Khalsa, Wahi Guruji ki fatae,

Saat Sri Akal,
to all Sikh Brothers and Sisters. I was wondering if you lot can help with this question I have, there is something that confuses me. I have been holding a membership with this left wing Socialist Party, no not the 'Socialist Worker's Party', this is known as the 'Socialist Party' only. Well I have heard from most people that Communism or Socialism is considered 'atheist' amongst most religions, especially amongst the Islamic and Orthodox Christian societies, and I was wondering, whether it is accepted by Sikhism.

Although Socialism is considered an atheist thing by some Christian churches, there are several bits in the 'Holy Bible' that strongly opress the 'Capitalistic Democracy', we live in, e.g. there is one bit in the Bible which goes like this: 'God strongly oppresses Governments who favour the rich but exploit the poor' It then goes onto say that it is difficult for a Rich man to enter the Kingdom of God, than it is for the camel to enter through the eye of the needle? There was one time, when religion was made illegal in most communist countries, it is easy to understand from that point why it is considered atheist. Karl Marx was an atheist, and he is known for saying that 'religion is an opium for people'. It was a big mistake for the religion to be made illegal in those communist countries, thus supporting Marx's silly quote on religion, but after searching through the bible, and referring to those scriptures in it that opress Capitalism, I am under the impression that Socialism is accepted by it, but it is

mankind that has made it like an atheist sort of thing.

The left wing party I belong to, we prefer to be called Socialists, because when we say 'Communism' that is more of a Stalinist thing. We are more on the democratic side of things, but Stalin's Communism was more on the side of Dictatorship, and no wonder it fell. Our political theory is the same, but it is a matter of having a different approach. British 'Labour' party is traditionally a socialist party, well it was at the time of Harold Wilson, but not any more. A lot of members of the party I am with are former Labour supporters. We believe it was a big mistake for Former communist Governments, like Stalin's to make religion illegal in their countries.

About 50% of Socialists I have met are believers in God, and are of other faiths and another 50% are either atheists or agnostics. I am of a Sikh background, I am a strong believer in God, but I wouldn't class myself to be deeply religuous. When it comes to religion, I disagree with Marx's opinion, but I only agree with his political philosophy.What the Socialists argue is that any religion in question has a history of war and conflict, any religion in question has a history of violence. We believe that people should be free to practice their religuous faiths, and that it is individual choice end of the day, but one does not need fundamentalism and fanaticism. Once fundamentalism or fanaticism is put into a religion, then we get wars and conflicts e.g. like the Talibans in Afghanistan and what goes on in Northern Ireland between Catholics and Protestants, what we see happening in NI is purely non christian, it is fundamentalism that is causing these horrific situation.

Capitalist democracy is largely exploiting the poor, ever since the first day
it emerged. The gap between the rich and the poor has widened incredibly under Capitalism, about 2/3 of the world has been below the poverty line for the last couple of decades, and over 50,000 children die each year in the poorest parts of the world due to lack of medical aid and starvation. Certainly the reality of Capitalism is against Vahi Guru's will.

I strongly believe that it is mankind that has portrayed Socialism as an atheist
thing, and it is the same mankind that has corrupted all the world's religions with fundamentalism e.g. the two examples I've given before. So brothers please let me know the answer to my question, I promise I do not mind if you disagree with me, I am cool with it.

Sat Siri Akaal. I'm sure there are (other) socialist Sikhs out there somewhere. But socialism is not Sikh, and Sikhism is NOT socialism. The Sikh path does not 'promote' Socialism. The Sikh path promotes God conciousness in all one does and says. That is hardly socialist.

If you want to be Sikh and socialist, go for it; that's your business. But in your approach to lving, remember the Guru in all you do and say. Then see where that takes you.
Guru ang sang,

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