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Summary of Question:My Parents Are Not Agreeing Please Help Me?
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Sunday, 2/25/2007 1:13 PM MST

hi how are you? i m 21 years old and faced with a similiar problem like others but i have searched through the websites and and read other answers from questions asked by other users...but still cannot seem to find my answer

the problem i have is i m in love with this guy who lives in Europe and i live in America with my parents...
Me and this guy met 6 months ago...through a girl i met over the internet..and this girl i have know for atleast 3 years...i really do trust her and have became really close and good freinds over the years with this girl.....
6 months back she introduced me to this guy who is a realative of hers i have gotten to know the family of the guy and and they seem like very nice and caring people and a very loving family...
few weeks back i decided to tell my parents about this guy because i thought honesty was important and maybe i was wrong...because after tellin my mom and dad they gave me a straight answer "no" because of the fact the guy isnt legal in Europe and they think he will only use me to come here to usa and get his papers and leave me..and also..the fact that he's not from Jalandher where our village is in INdia...
i think they are being unreasonable because what does it matter where the guy is from we are the same caste ...he is a jatt boy like and i m a jatt girl...
i m really confused as in what to do...i really love him through our long talks we have really fallen in love with each other..he truly loves me a lot too..and is willin to do anything for me...but my parents dont even want to know the guy or even talk to him.....
i talk to his family once in a while and they are agreein to everything ...but we dont know wat to do to get my parents involved....they just arent willing to understand anything?
i do Pray to God..many times through out the day...but nothing seems to be working...since i do not know how to read Gurmukhi i recite the Guru's names and say Satnam Waheguru throughout the day..which i hope i m doing right also? .....and sumtimes i also do read the Path in English.....but do think of God Many times through out the day.....
Can you please help me how can i get my parents to agree or even close to it...i was thinking maybe the guy's parents or his family should try contacting my dad or mom over the phone since we live so far away...?
or if you have any other suggestions??
also is love really worth fighting for.?
thank you very much for taking the time out and reading this for me...
My dear,
You have entrusted yourself to this new family in a big way.....and they all, your girlfriend included, are known only online or on the phone....correct? If so, You are invested in a fantasy. This means you can imagine how great everything is with that family, but you have no proof. Sometimes, a promise of love is more desireable than no love. Right?

For now, best to invest yourself in Guru's meditation. Stop looking or seeking
for something. Take the time every day to develop your relationship with God the DOER OF ALL. You can find your happiness and harmony in your life by cultivating activities, hobbies, sports......and Path. You will find fulfillment of all your life desires in this way.

I would reccomend a shabd for you......Shabd Hazarey ( A thousand Shabds)....starts:
"Mera man loche, gur darshan taa-ee......". It is written by Arjan (Guru) for being seperated from his father GUru Ram Das when he was young. It will fulfill your lost love and bring great connection and intuition into you.

Sing or recite it for 31 minutes a day....or 11 times a day for next year!!!
You can find it on Sikhnet in Gurmikhi and English.

Keep us posted on your progress.


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