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Summary of Question:Waheguru Or Satnaam
Date Posted:Sunday, 2/09/2003 12:29 PM MST


Khalsa ji, i have been reading on your forum for ages that u always suggest people to meditate on satnaam...i have been trying to meditate on waheguru for too many months mind wanders most of the time and once in a while i enjoy it...i wonder if it would be any different...please comment on this and tell me how is one different from the other...also, please let me know of a simple meditation technique which anyone can do on their own without supervision...i have been trying so hard but have failed :(

thank u so much

Guru rakha


Sat Siri Akal.

The mind wanders during meditation because the breath is not steady. When you begin to work with meditation, you will discover a direct relationship between how consious you are of your breath and how quiet your mind becomes. Meditation actually begins with the body, the breath and balancing the nervous system. When those physical aspects are working well together, then it is possible to enjoy deeper states of mediation which, in essence, opens you up to more subtle experiences of awareness and God.

Here is a simple meditation for you to use. It is from Aquarian Times Magazine, Winter 2002, pg. 34.

"Apostle Projection: This meditation is said to link the essence of your purpose to the universal mind and soul of the cosmos....

Sit with a straight spine. Hold the hands at the level of the heart center. The right hand is on top of the left hand, both palms face down. The right thumb is bent and comes under the left hand and touches the palm. The left thumb is bent and also touches the left palm. The bent thumbs are pressed together so the thumbnails touch. Look at the tip of the nose. Chant:

Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Jio.

Lift the navel and diaphragm in rhythm with each "Wa." Continue for 31 minutes.

An idea tape to use is Wahe Guru Jio by Gianji available through Ancient Healing Ways at"

31 minutes is the ideal time to practice this. But you can begin with 3 minutes and work your way up to 31 minutes slowly.

Hope this is helpful to you. Please let me know if you need any other help.

ALl love,


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