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Summary of Question:Re: I Want To Be And Amritdhari
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/05/2003 6:27 PM MDT

Sat Sri Akal Jee,

Its great to know that you have decided to take Amrit.

Well your parent would sure have a reason why the do not want you to take Amrit, may be they think you are not serious about it, maybe you dont truly undersatnd what taking Amrit means, it could also be that they think taking Amrit would make you backward( caus you do paath every day). I think you should explain to them you are serious and know know what you are going in for. In addition ensure you actions speak louder than words.

If this fails I suggest you start by doing paath every day and wearing all you 5 K's( kirpan also caus it creates a vibration which make you feel sepcial), its slightly difficult with the kirapn but you can wear it on a waist gatra or keep it in you pocket or you can wear a small 2 inch kirpan around the neck( personally i dont like that, i wear my 9 " kirpan ).Kachera is another problem cauz you cant possibly hide that unless you stay away from you parents so till you have take Amrit just continue with you reglar undergarments.When there there is an Amrit Sanchar Ceremony at the localGurudawara take Amrit WITHOUT telling you parents , once you have taken it, go and inform them( they may be furious but they cant undo you armit !! can they !!)

Dont worry Guru Jee will always be with you

Guru Rakaha


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