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Summary of Question:Which Mantra Is Best To Protect House And Family(Kids)
Date Posted:Sunday, 10/19/2003 12:26 AM MDT

I am a young husband and father of two boys,i feel a big huge responsibility for my wife and children,what is the best mantra and or shabad gurbani kirtan to play to protect my household and family?

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Reciting the banis in the Amrit Vela, chanting God's Name together as a family. These are the tools Guru has given us for our protection, happiness and enlightenment. There is a mantra specifically for protection in which you can visualize the first four Gurus in sequence, "AAD GURAY NAMEH, JUGAAD GURAY NAMEH, SAT GURAY NAMEH, SIRI GURU DAYVAY NAMEH as you chant it. See Guru Nanak on your right side (or outside, your home and family), Guru Angad in the rear, Guru Amardas on the left, and Guru Ram Das in front. Have faith in God and Guru, and give thanks every morning for their blessings and protection. Faith is the opposite of fear, so if you start to "worry" -- then remember, worrying is praying for something you don't want! There is a shabd by Guru Arjan Dev, "Sat Gur Kar Deenay" that is for protection. I'm sorry I don't know where to find it, but I believe someone made a music tape of it some years ago. Possibly if you contact Ancient Healing Ways website, or Spirit Voyage Music website they can locate it for you. Blessings, SP

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Which Mantra Is Best To Protect House And Family(Kids) (10/19/2003)
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