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Summary of Question:Freemasonry & Black Magic?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 6/25/2004 3:23 PM MDT


Dear Sir/ Madam, i recently read a huge number of conspiracies on "freemasonrys" im not sure if this is true or not, could you please give me an educated response. Also whats sikhisms view on demons/ black magic, any help would be greatly appeciated.
thank you

Sat Siri Akaal. The United States of America was indeed founded by men who were almost all Masons. If you study the founding of the USA, you will realize that the people involved were brilliant and determined to create a new political system that did not have the ills of the many historical or current political systems they had studied. My point: America's founding fathers were neither conspiratorialists nor black magicians.

That said, the internet is the perfect venue for conspiratorialists of all persuasions to put forth their ideas. One person's practice is seen as a conspiracy by others. I'm sure if you looked hard enough you will find a Sikh conspiracy theory as well. There are people who believe that US Government officials, not Al Qaeda, were behind the World Trade Center attacks on 9/11/01. So, who are you gonna believe? People believe in conspiracies because it fits their view of life and the world.

I am not educated on Freemasonry. I don't believe any of us moderators are. I would urge you to spend your time on other pursuits, not conspiracy theories. Sikhi's view on black magic and demons is the same as on panditry. The Siri Guru is the Guru of all Sikhs, and one who has given their heart and mind to Guru has no business listening to pandits, astrologers, etc. or getting involved in black magic in any way. Guru will tell us all what we need to know if we but ask. So, perhaps you should chant the naam, do ardas, and ask GuruSahib about this question you have asked the Forum, and see what Guru's hukum is. Guru ang sang,

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