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Summary of Question:Guru Gobind Really Say This?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 9/03/2006 9:50 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akal to All,

I am a new student of the Sikh faith. I am beginning to keep Kesh and abide strictly by other Sikh rules and regulations because I honestly believe in the Guru's teachings. However, recently it has been brought to my attention that Guru Gobind Singh once compared Sikhs with cut hair to goats. Now that to me is very unsettling because the Gurus taught equality of all mankind, especially between Muslim and Hindu, and then I hear that Guru Gobind Singh Ji made such a comparison to those who didn't keep Kesh? Is this comment true? Was it, maybe, taken out of context and exagerrated over the years? Thanks for your time.

Sat nam. Many things have been attrituted to our Gurus which are both true and untrue. Since the primary histories written by those who witnessed our Gurus have not been translated into English, many such stories are hard to verify.
I think you should take this story with a grain of salt. And did the person who told you this story have an agenda for telling it? Personally I cannot imagine our 10th Guru saying this.
Additionally, understand historical context in 1699. Mughal emperors often treated non-Mughals and non-Muslims as slaves: slaves then were known by their cut hair. So keeping hair was a statement of loyalty and personal commitment then that could cost one his life. Keeping our form is still such a statement although the stakes are not the same.
Wearing your identity through distinctive form is a very important concept of Sikhi. But the substance behind the form is just as important.

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Guru Gobind Really Say This? (09/03/2006)
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