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Summary of Question:Please Visit: Http://Www.Whyichosesikhism.Com/
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 2/27/2004 5:47 PM MST

Waheguru Je Kha Khalsa, Waheguru Je Ke Fateh:

Khalsajee, I sincerely hope that this post makes its way onto the Sikhnet Youth Forum and elsewhere as I believe many young Sikhs, especially those in the UK, stand to benefit from the information that I am about to share….

As many of you already know, there has been a widespread campaign by fundamentalist Islamic groups in the UK and elsewhere to actively convert young Sikh girls into the Islamic faith in recent years. They have done this by any means necessary against our young Sikh women including systematic brainwashing and using physical acts of violence including assault, rape, and murder against them and their families.

In response to the growing crisis confronting many of today’s Sikh youth, a group of young Gursikhs from all corners of the globe have worked meticulously to create an educational website whereby Sikhs of all ages can better educate themselves about the beauty of Sikhism and learn more about the destructive forces and means that a sizable minority within the Islamic community have used, and continue to use, to destroy and malign our faith. With Guru Sahib's kirpa, the website has been launched within the past week. I urge all Sikhs to visit, study, and print out its contents, so that they may better educate themselves about the facts rather than falling prey to the propaganda and hate speech that has been spewed in recent years. The website is:

There is just too much information that I cannot possibly say here…the best way for our youth to learn more is to visit this site for themselves, bookmark it, and spread the word to as many Sikh youth as soon as possible. It also provides resources for those young Sikh women and their families who have been impacted by this malicious campaign and steps they can take to protect themselves.

Khalsjee, of all the challenges that confront our youth today, this stands to be one of, if not THE, single greatest collective threats to our faith today. Make no mistake: the very survival of our faith is at stake here. It is important that today’s Sikh youth take immediate steps to educate themselves about the dark forces that are conspiring out there to see our downfall, but more importantly to take proactive steps that will ensure the survival of future generations of Sikhs. That of course begins by receiving the greatest gift of all: AMRIT.

May Guru sahib continue to bless the Khalsa Panth and all of my fellow young brothers and sisters who I hope will take this information and become stronger Sikhs as a result.

-Waheguru Je Kha Khalsa, Waheguru Je Ke Fateh!!!

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